Sunday, October 23, 2011

Patiently Waiting

The link above is a song that has really meant a lot to me lately. It's called "holding on" by Jamie Grace. Lately, I've really struggled with holding onto what I believe when it's hard to believe; when everything around me is trying to lead me into another direction, away from God. This song gives me so much hope and she has such a beautiful voice, so I hope you guys can receive as much blessing as I have from listening to the words.

As I've already mentioned, it's been a rough couple of weeks so I felt that today was a perfect day to just lay it all out in a blog. Let me just start by saying that as a 22-year-old, single female it's somewhat normal to wonder "where is my soul mate?!" from time to time. However, I feel that this thought has consumed much of my thoughts for the past few weeks. Today I have realized that until I put God at the VERY top of my list of priorities, I will not meet prince charming. Not like God is punishing me, but he is asking me to hold on just a little longer and when I get to the place where I am 100% OK with being alone, then he will send my knight in shining armor. I can remember when I was 16, taking part in a weekend long bible study on making a commitment of purity to God. Without going into detail, I've broken that commitment along this bumpy road called life. But, the wonderful news is, I've been forgiven. In all honesty, I haven't given much thought to that commitment in the last 4 years or so. Well, God really surprised me when I came to the section in my devotional titled "purity of body." Everything I've read and re-learned as a 22-year-old, has taken on a whole new meaning in my life. What I have learned now is that I must not let Satan, the enemy, constantly throw my past in my face at every corner. I have been forgiven, and I must move forward. Having said that, I started writing letters to my future husband today. Many of you may think this is totally ridiculous and don't see how it pertains to me right now, even though I haven't met him. But the way I see it is, the more I think of him and write to him the less my mind is wandering away from who God ultimately has in store for me and I am less likely to stray away from the woman my future husband is praying for. I want to be purified physically, spiritually and emotionally by the time I meet my husband face-to-face. I began praying for him today and praying that God will begin transforming me into the woman He wants me to be so that I may be the closest thing to a perfect wife for my husband someday. One of my favorite verses I've found throughout this study comes from Isaiah: "'Come now, let us reason together,' says the Lord. 'Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.'" -Isaiah 1:8 Because of this verse, I know there is hope for my future. What a wonderful, restoring day today has been! Dear God, purify my heart, soul and body. Show me how to live in accordance with your perfect will.


  1. I love this Erika! I feel like we are both at that point in our lives where we think we are ready for our husbands, but in reality we are not! God is still preparing our hearts and our husbands' hearts. It is hard to wait, but know when it comes he is going to be well worth the wait. Can't wait to meet your knight in shinning armor one day!

  2. I love the honesty in your posts and in your attitude. It is true, our world cares very little about the future and is all about now. But now is the future in someway: a building block. Doesn't God see the end from the beginning? Wouldn't that mean that He sees us in the role we will fill already, but just merely working to that point?

    I like this. It's very good and very wise.
